Winter wonderland perfect for South Haven Icebreaker festival

The first weekend in February is one of the biggest winter festivals in West Michigan. Held in South Haven each year, the ice carvings, chili cookoff, synchronized ice skating, pub crawls and lots more are always a real hit with locals and tourists alike. With our recent wintery weather, it is providing a perfect combination for a fantastic winter festival weekend.

West Michigan Wineries

One of the many things our are is know for is tha many wonderful wineries in the surrounding areas. The closet of these wineries is Fenn Valley Winery, which is also one of the most popular and award-winning winery in Michigan. Just a few miles from us, some of our Spring, Summer and Fall guests enjoy taking our bikes over to the winery for a nice leisurely afternoon too.

Michigan Winter Wonderland?

Well the Michigan Winter we all know so well with the cold temps and snowy/icy conditions has definitely arrived in West Michigan. There is a definite beauty to the landscape this time of year in our area of the Lake Michigan area, especially on the beach and at the lighthouses and piers.

Saugatuck Douglas Townships becoming one?

Anyone who has been to our fantastic lakefront cities of Saugatuck and Douglas may know that even though they are two disctinct cities connected only by a bridge, they are in fact two separate cities in government as well. This year there has been a major push to combine the two cities in to one. Soon we may have one government, one fire station, one school system, etc. It all makes sense, especially since visitors to our area typically take advantage of the entire surrrounding area’s offerings too.

Mild Michigan Winter

This year, at least so far, seems to be shaping up to be similar to our mild winter of last year. In some respects, it is very nice for traveling as one does not have to worry about icy or wintery weather conditions and such. But on the other hand, it sure doesn’t seem like winter without the beauty of a Michigan white winter landscape.

Saugatuck Arts Center

Quite often we receive notices of what is going on in downtown Saugatuck’s Art Center. It is a great venue to check out while in Saugatuck and there is always a show, classes, presentations and more.

New Year and New Beginnings

Doesn’t it seem like it was just recently that everyone was talking about Y2K? How on earth is it already thirteen years later and we are now going in to 2013? Unbelievable! Happy New Year everyone! Wishing all of our followers health, happiness and love in the New Year.

Mild West Michigan Christmas?

After yesterday’s winter storm blew through, it appears that the Christmas week will be a mild one here in West Michigan. Yesterday saw very high winds with gusts that were almost hurricane-like. But no snow so it appears that our dreaming of a White Christmas will be just that this year.

Snow is on it’s way to West Michigan…

For anyone who believes that snow and Christmas go hand in hand, and are dreawming of a “White Christmas”, the forecast for much of the Midwest and the Saugatuck Michigan area is looking like you may just have your wish. Snow appears to be coming our way now within the next 48 hours, just in time to make everything a winter wonderland here.

Bed and Breakfast Gift Cards

This final week before Christmas always seems to be one of the busiest of the year for our bed and breakfast gift card sales. It seems that lots of folks (myself included) think of the idea of gift cards as an after thought. The good thing is that we do send them out daily and in most cases “there is still time” to get them in time for the Christmas gift-giving time of year.