Featured on Only In Your State: 9 Historic Bed and Breakfasts in Michigan That Will Absolutely Charm You

Best Bed and Breakfast in the Midwest & Great Lakes


Best Bed and Breakfast in the Great Lakes


Top 12 Bed and Breakfast Inn Worldwide


Best Breakfast in the U.S.


Best in the Great Lakes, 2009 Bed and Breakfast .com

Top 12 Inns Worldwide, 2008 Bed and Breakfast.com

Best Breakfast in the U.S., 2007, Bed and Breakfast.com

Best Innkeeper in the U.S., 2006, Arrington’s Inn Traveler

Best Breakfast in the Midwest, 2005, Arrington’s Inn Traveler

Best in the Midwest 2004, 2003, Arrington’s Inn Traveler

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